The Dribbble Blog

May 26, 2021

Making friends with developers (how to set your designs up for success) 🤝

Designer VS Developer

A UI/UX designer’s guide to working with developers and mastering the art of the handoff.

May 20, 2021

Choosing colors for mobile app design (5 key principles)

Medex - Mobile app

Learn how to choose the right colors for mobile app design along with some visual inspiration to help guide you.

May 18, 2021

5 design portfolio mistakes that’ll send clients running (in the wrong direction)

Welcome aboard!

Do you want clients and hiring managers to love your portfolio? Are you frustrated that your hard work is going unnoticed?

May 17, 2021

UI vs UX Design: Which career is for you? (2021)

Sisters 👧

What is the difference between UX and UI and which career path is for you?

May 13, 2021

Get inspired by Katrina Navasca's delicious 36 Days of Type project

36 Days of Type 2021

Enjoy this insanely delicious 36 Days of Type project by Katrina Navasca and get inspired to challenge yourself creatively this year.

May 11, 2021

Learning 3D? Check out these 5 (free) excellent tutorials

Get started in the world of 3D design & illustration with the help of five free video tutorials for designers of any skill level.

May 10, 2021

10 common graphic design interview questions (& how to answer them)

Illustration 02

Your design interview cheat sheet: Study up on the 10 most commonly asked graphic design interview questions and learn how to answer them.

May 7, 2021

Demystifying Inspiration: Four Ways to Spark Creativity

Tips for staying energized and invigorated to deliver unique, show-stopping creative work.

May 4, 2021

7 storytelling techniques to enhance your graphic design portfolio

Reading him a bedtime story

Learn seven powerful techniques to weave storytelling into your graphic design portfolio so you make a memorable impression.

Apr 29, 2021

A bigger, more inclusive Dribbble

Our invite system was never meant to stick around forever. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re evolving the invite system to allow creatives from all walks of life to apply for a designer account. Here’s what you need to know.

Apr 27, 2021

Behind the design: The app that wants to make freelancers more successful

In this case study, Head of Product at Lili—a banking app designed for freelancers—gives us an inside look into the design decisions that drive their mission to make freelance creatives more successful.

Apr 26, 2021

I studied the fonts of the top 1000 websites. Here's what I learned.

Fun With Fonts

A design-curious data scientist crawled the top 1000 websites to analyze their font selections. Here are the fascinating results and how you can use them to guide your web design decisions.

Apr 23, 2021

The ultimate checklist to starting your freelance graphic design business


Ready to build the freelance graphic design career of your dreams? Follow this checklist to set yourself up for success.

Apr 22, 2021

Your personal brand matters: Here are 3 ways you can start investing in it

Why your personal brand is crucial to the success of your creative career, plus the three most powerful ways to start investing in it.

Apr 21, 2021

Dribbble’s Playbook: The no-stress solution to keeping your portfolio up-to-date

Playbook Updates

Dribbble’s Playbook was recently updated with a new look & added features to help showcase your professional brand and easily keep your work up to date. Learn more!

Apr 20, 2021

5 steps to designing a personal logo (that you don't hate)


Designing your personal logo doesn’t have to be hard! Follow this 5-step process to learn how to be your own best client.

Apr 14, 2021

How to win more freelance graphic design clients (8 strategies)


Want to start building up your client base? Here are 8 strategies for freelance graphic designers to win more clients and projects.

Apr 13, 2021

5 steps to finding the right freelance graphic designer


Finding the right freelance graphic designer doesn’t have to be hard! Follow these 5 steps for

Apr 8, 2021

Why more and more web designers are moving from WordPress to Wix

Learn why millions of people worldwide are creating their websites with Wix, and why more and more professional web designers are leaving WordPress to join them.

Apr 7, 2021

Your favorite logo designs get a retro-inspired makeover


Get inspired by this graphic designer’s collection of retro-inspired logo designs.