We’ve been stumbling upon a lot of very simple yet powerful tools and resources for designers lately, like The Growth Handbook from Intercom, the new Streamline 3.0 icon library, and the Font Combination Library from KK UI Store. Now we’ve got yet another gem for our community: Converting Colors. It’s a very common need to convert a hex code to RGB, or to convert a color in CMYK to decimal colors. Here’s the incredibly simple way to do that in a flash.
You’ll even find advice on web-safe versions of colors you’re working with in your designs, suggestions for complementary hues, and useful previews of how it might look in different orientations with black and white content or backgrounds.
Converting Colors allows you to convert between hex, RGB, RGB percent, cmy, CMYK, HSV, HSL, cielab, cielch, xyz, yxy, ryb, android, decimal, and yuv. Created by Andreas Zettl on whom we could find startlingly (and perhaps admirably) little information.
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