Shot by #<User:0x000070b82c2bf840>

Art by MDS

The new, improved, and incredibly handy Streamline 3.0 icon library

Do you find yourself needing great icons without the skill or time to create them all yourself, nor the capital or time to hire someone for the job? Well then perhaps you’ve heard of Streamline, the world’s largest icon library. Recently, Streamline 3.0 was launched with all sorts of great updates and new icons.

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Streamline 3.0 is here

by MDS

Streamline 3.0 is live! The icon set is crazy big and soooo good—made my job a lot easier. There's a special launch discount valid for the next 2 weeks. Go check it out. 🚀 ✭ Design/code/copy by yours truly ✭ Animations b...

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This library has over 30,000 icons, in fifty-three categories, at three distinct line-weights (light, regular, and bold.) The icons are easy to utilize during your normal workflow with your normal software, meaning your project just got a lot more smooth.

This project is very much powered by Dribbblers. Vincent Le Moine is responsible for the icons themselves, the animations are by Yup Nguyen, mobile app by Clément Sauvage and site by MDS, we’re again humbled by the amazing work of our community members, and the desire to lift each other up and help each other out in our work and life.

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