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Art by Pixsellz

A new font combination library for quick design wins

Looking for some quick-wins when combining fonts for your next design project? Look no further than the new Font Combination Library from KK UI Store. Here you’ll find eight (more to come) easy, sure-thing font combinations utilizing Google Fonts, and compatible with Sketch and Adobe XD.

It’s easy to find popular variants and sizes, and play with font type and colors, simplifying the process of making beautiful choices for text-based projects.

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Font Combinations Library

by Pixsellz

A great set of 8 different font combinations meant to help speed up your design process. Download Compatible with Sketch App & Adobe XD --- KK UI Store

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Want to browse more font-pairing options? Check out Font Joy, similar to Coolors in that you can lock fonts you like and click through others to try out the combo. If you want to stick with Google Fonts, provides a handful of great options as well.

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