
A handbook on growth for your business

A lot of Dribbblers are business owners, and whether you’re on a product team or the CEO of your own creative sole proprietorship, growing a business insanely complex. It can be nearly impossible to know what to focus on, and other businesses aren’t always so transparent with their strategy. Intercom has made The Growth Handbook to help. It’s a great resource for the community which addresses the difficult task of growing and scaling in a beautiful, well-organized, free e-book.

Not only is it incredibly useful, but it’s also beautifully designed by Kelly Carpenter, with art direction by Justin Pervorse.

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The Growth Handbook

by Judson Collier for Intercom

We just launched a The Growth Handbook @Intercom. Super happy with the results. Download it! Art Direction: @Justin Pervorse Design: Me + @Kelly Carpenter

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The Handbook is a collection of actionable ideas, frameworks, and lessons learned from business leaders including Intercom itself, plus Intuit, Slack, Duolingo, and more. It’s aimed at helping businesses obtain and retain loyal customers who stay, return, and spread the word because they understand the value of the product or products offered. Download the book today!

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