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Art by Damian Kidd

10 famous logos reimagined by another graphic designer

What if a different graphic designer was hired to design the logos we’re all so familiar with today? In this segment of famous logo designs reimagined, we’re sharing another fun roundup of hypothetical logo concepts for some of the world’s most iconic brands.

If you haven’t checked out the previous roundups, don’t miss out on our first two segments where graphic designers rebranded iconic logos like FedEx, Apple, Nike, Twitter, Amazon, and plenty more: Logo designs reimagined #1Logo designs reimagined #2

1. Instagram

2. Gmail

Jeroen van Eerden “Had this idea for a possible Gmail logo redesign. Always fun to play around with those well known logos and see another approach. And who knows Google Design might find it interesting enough haha.”

4. Lego

5. National Parks Service

Michael Penda “This month’s BSDS
 challenge was to redesign the U.S. National Park Service logo. I simplified some shapes, switched up some type to give a nod to their vintage postcards and signage, and swapped out the bison for an eagle and a founding date since I felt these better represented both their history & the breadth of their presence across the country.”

6. Taco Bell

Matt Curley “Been working hard lately on a way to update the Taco Bell brand of the 70’s/80’s with this bell & font as the centerpiece. Had a lot of fun and a lot of creative freedom with this one.”


8. Doritos

Michael Irwin “If Doritos ever lost their minds and went uber clean, using the chip as an intentional “D.” The shape would shift color to define each flavor as well as provide a container for imagery and content.”

9. The New York Times

10. Dropbox

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