For years, we’ve had a counter in our footer counting the number of pixels uploaded to Dribbble. Last week, we broke one trillion. How much is a trillion? Think of it this way: one trillion seconds ago, the first rock art was being created in India. It only took about 291,385,124 seconds for you to Dribbble a trillion pixels since the first shot ever posted.
Read more thoughts on this milestone from our CEO, Zack Onisko. Be sure to check out the lucky shot that put us over the brink, which was created by Jason Johnson of Spanish Fork, Utah!
Dribbble’s audio companion. Our official podcast.
Mar 27, 2018
Episode 32: Creating cosmic connections through design with Lauren Dickens
Episode 32 features Lauren Dickens—an amazingly creative designer who specializes in brand identity and art direction. In this episode, Dan and Lauren nerd out over typography, letterpress, process, and merch of all forms. Additionally, Lauren shares how important it is to her to work on personal projects and to have a sense of humor in her work. This episode even gets a little cosmic, so meet Dan and Lauren on the astral plane! This episode is brought to you by Wix.
Last week’s stories from the Dribbble community. To see all of our stories on designers and their work, visit Courtside.
Mar 28, 2018
Kasha Killingsworth's Creative Life
Kasha is an illustrator and designer—with education in interior design and experience in screen printing. Her work—and workspace—is clean, but doesn’t take itself too seriously. Check out where she works and how she spends her creative time in her Timeout interview.
Mar 26, 2018
Help Sticker Mule Design a Limited Edition Dribbble Sticker Pack
Sticker Mule is at it again with another amazing Playoff! This time their team is asking for your help designing a limited edition Dribbble sticker pack.
Jobs for Designers
What could you be working on? Below are a few of the organizations hiring on Dribbble. Check out Jobs for Designers to see the full list.
Hot Shots
The community’s favorite shots from last week. See all popular shots last week.
Team Work
Teams are organizations showing what they’re working on. These are a few of the popular team shots last week.
Find more Weekly Replay stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact