Since Last Week
Eduardo Santos became the first UI designer featured in our new UI series User Friendly. (Eduardo’s Spear above left and OfficeTime Watch above center.) We had that right-hand slot wide open and so, while this isn’t Dribbble news, we filled it with Blaz Robar’s awesome recreation of our logo.
Good Work
Sip Dip Chip
An Eye for Fashion
Go Go Logo Go
Coaches’ Picks
Meetup Wrap-Up
Ahmedabad, India, November 22
Not only did the attendees of the Ahmedabad meetup have a good time, they created this lovely shot to the right. Organizer Chintan Pokiya said it was a good day, attended by the crew from IndiaNIC, and he plans to host another meetup this spring. Thank you Chintan!
Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, December 20
Thank you to Bogdan Pryshedko for organizing a great event sponsored by Yalantis last month - the last Dribbble meetup of 2014! Thanks also to event speakers Taras Shypka, Sergey Valiukh and Anton Kolisnyk. Missed the meetup? Never fear, Bogdan said he’s planning another for when the weather is warmer. Stay tuned, Dnipropetrovsk.
Below, find listings for the next three weeks. Meetups with shots appear first, ordered by date; after, meetups without shots, ordered by date. For a full list of upcoming meetups, visit
Vilnius Dribbble Meetup, Vilnius, Lithuania, January 17, Vinted HQ. RSVP.
Refresh Teesside Does Dribbble Meetup, Teesside, UK, January 22, Mink Bar. RSVP.
Not a meetup, but we are helping sponsor January’s Refresh Boston, featuring Raj Singh of Cloudant presenting “The Evolution of Mobile Mapping.” Thursday, January 22, 6:30, Fresh Tilled Soil, 480 Pleasant Street, Suite A410, Watertown. RSVP.
For more upcoming meetups, visit
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