I've been happily pushing pixels for Fitbit for 433 days now. It was an amazing journey and I learned A LOT from my art director, peer, friend Mark and extremely talented coworker Caroline. About a month ago I've decided to leave Fitbit....
Taking one step back and trying to maintain the current layout we have. Also working on couple new features that will be released later this month or so. Let me know what you think.
Working on a new tab approach for our dashboard revisions that will live on a side rail. Sub nav is left aligned, which might not make sense on this shot, but it will make sense in context. Some elements will most likely change, still wo...
I'm currently working on our dashboard revisions, trying to simplify the layout, clean out and unify some of the UI patterns which was a long over due. A lot more to come.
Our iPhone app has been out for few weeks now, if you haven't downloaded already, go do it right now.
Now that we have the foundation out there, we're ready to simplify and beautify the experience. So I'm currently working on the food ...
Finally getting our branded swag. Did the press check today, it's intense. I'm not print type of a guy, so doing a mass order is pure intense. It turned out good. Thanks to Caroline and Mark for collaborating on this project.
Food goal is one of Fitbit dashboard's strongest interfaces. We're now in the thinking of making it better. Here is a sneak peek of the thinking process. Personally, this is my favorite part of any project, sketching...