I had a lot of fun with this latest Barrel Aged beer for No-Li Brewhouse, Defacto.
I created a custom stencil numeral set, which is used on each label to denote the bottle's number in the run.
Every single label of the entire run is ...
This past weekend marks 3 years that I've been working with one of my favorite clients, No-Li brewhouse. I've created over a dozen label designs for them in that time, along with other elements like 4/6 pack carriers, tap handles and eve...
I had a blast working with No-Li Brewhouse to design their first ever 6-pack.
They were interested in using the name ‘Poser’, and so I designed the packaging to emphasize how craft beer packaging is constantly shouting at you with stat...
I've been designing a lot of beer. This one is for No-Li's Barrel Aged series. Van Lambert Sour Cherry Ale is aged in wine casks. Each label is numbered.
One of my latest for No-Li Brewhouse, Mosh Pit Tart Cherry Ale, which uses natural cherry infusion. The design is printed directly onto the bottle glass once more on this 12oz bottle.
I had a lot of fun recently designing the latest beers for No-Li Brewhouse. This spring will mark 3 years I've been designing their packaging.
Blackfill and Van Lambert are limited edition Barrel Aged beers (a Stout and a Sour Cherry A...