
Today isn’t just any Tuesday, it’s Giving Tuesday. While you’re stocking up on gifts for loved ones on Black Friday and Cyber Monday this week, consider participating annually in giving a gift that gives back.

The organization has created a very handy directory so you can find ways and places to give in your own community, but if you still need some ideas, check out the opportunities to put your money in some much needed places below.

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  1. Puerto Rico Relief coqui frog frog lapel puerto rico
  2. Shot Link
  3. Make Good — Raising Funds for Global Disaster Relief cause charity design good non profit social
  4. Giving Tuesday Badge charity charity water giving giving tuesday philanthropy thanksgiving water
  5. Restore Blank Nail Polish Branding branding logo nail polish
  6. LiberTee aclu america ampersand cotton bureau infinity justice liberty
  7. Pussy Hat Enamel Pins badge charity enamel pin feminist lapel pin pin pink planned parenthood pussy hat project rose gold
  8. All Of Us america flag immigrant print refugee riso usa

Row 1: Adam Grason, Upperquad, Dribbble. Row 2: Ryan Dutch for charity: water, Amy Hood for Hoodzpah, Enon Avital. Row 3: Brandy Bingham, Ryan Putnam.

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