Since Last Week
First, a thank you for your patience late, late Thanksgiving night. (Thank You! by Ste Grainer, left.) Due to data connectivity issues at our datacenter, the site went down. You were patient. The site went back up! Also, we fielded a strange support request for a hotel room for a family of five. (Stay Awhile by Laura Guardalabene, center.) Other than those blips of excitement, last week was mostly family, friends, turkey, and gratitude. Quiet week. Good week. (Peace & Quiet by Jonathan Ogden, right.)
Whale of a Whale
Data Driven
Oh, Hai, API
Made something cool with the API? Email so we can share it in the Replay.
Meetup Wrap-up
Washington, DC, November 13
Good times at Canvas’s second Dribbble meetup. The DC crew welcomed Dribbble’s first-ever canine attendee (who came with Anna of Tomboy). Dan and Rich are now hard at work on a new project: Kibbble.
Thanks are owed: to Martin Ringlein for organizing, to Saman Bemel-Benrud and Tatiana Van Campenhout of Mapbox for speaking (Tatiana’s Mapbox Redesign, right), to Walter for representing canine Dribbblers everywhere, and to everyone who attended.
Below, find listings for the next two weeks. Meetups with shots appear first, ordered by date; after, meetups without shots, ordered by date. For a full list of upcoming meetups, visit
Thanks, as always, to our Meetup co-sponsor Shopify.
San Francisco Dribbble Meetup at Hired, San Francisco, California, December 11, Hired.
Dribbble Manchester, Manchester, UK, December 16, Spaceport.
Fireside Chat with Dan & Rich, Boston, Massachusetts, December 10, 6:30 p.m., General Assembly Boston, 51 Melcher Street, Boston. RSVP.
Berlin Dribbble Meetup, Berlin, Germany, December 11, 7 p.m., more information to follow.
For more upcoming meetups, visit
Have a shot you’d like considered for Replay? Send the link to
Find more Weekly Replay stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact
Dribbble LX, Lisbon, Portugal, December 4, Leisureplex Stillorgan.