Hello, Welcome to My Dribble Site. My name is Temmy Valentina Pahalani. You can call me El. I'm a professional Marketing and Design Specialist and Creator who enjoys creating brand discussions or analyses and artworks.

In my opinion, a brand is a comparison identity from other competitors, just like humans who have identities such as their name, personality, family background, education, work, and all things related to themselves. A Brand also has a soul to protect the existence of its product from its competitors.

The goal of this site will provide pieces of information related to Trends, Marketing Strategies, Visual Design & Brand, Design Processes, Design Outcomes, and other things marketing and design around.

After this introductory session, I will explain my case study projects on this Dribble site. I sincerely hope you can find benefits on my site. Thank you and have a wonderful day!

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Member since Jun 2022

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