Mural art comes in all different shapes, sizes, and styles. As a muralist, it’s certainly not easy transferring your artwork onto a large-scale, public space. The art form requires plenty of careful planning and preparation before a mural artist even begins the wall painting process. At the end of the day, we can only imagine how rewarding it is to see your work of art displayed on a public surface, ready to be admired by passers-by for years to come.
Today, we’re showcasing mural art created by our very own design community on Dribbble. Check out wall murals on display in New York, San Francisco, Mexico City, and more. Below you’ll find examples of street art, indoor art, office murals, etc. Get inspired by the public art form and it’s many different styles and themes!
Row 1: Alice Lee, Eric Friedensohn, Hola Sobre . Row 2: Joe Geis for WeWork, Melissa Deckert, Sebastian Abboud. Row 3: Keith Lowe, Eric Friedensohn for WeWork.
Row 1: Esther, Mandy Babineaux, Lauren Jacobs. Row 2: Olga Davydova , Maureen Horan , SELF Design Studio. Row 3: Leah Chong, Thomas Lateur, Viet Huynh for Slack.
Row 1: Alex Ezell, The Cure For Being Human, Hans Bennewitz. Row 2: Nigel Sussman, Jose Canales for Canales & Co., Marc Sirus. Row 3: Tanya Heidrich, Steve Wolf.
Row 1: Down the Street, Mike Smith, KMG. Row 2: Erin Wallace, Marcin Mokierów-Czołowski, Sasha Barr. Row 3: Carrie Scrufari, Lienke Raben.
For more mural arts inspiration, check out the #muralart tag on Dribbble to browse even more work from mural artists. Interested in learning more about what goes into the art form? Check out our feature with Wallnuts Murals where they share their step-by-step process for creating indoor art murals.
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