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Graphic designer Ryan Bosse on growing & engaging his audience

Graphic designer Ryan Bosse is making huge waves in the design community and beyond with his beautiful, bold design work. Learn more about how Ryan engages with his audience, defines his style, and shares the kind of work that resonates with others.

Tell us about yourself and how you got started in graphic design.

My name is Ryan Bosse and I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, mid century furniture admirer, and all around Swiss Army knife. Originally from Kansas, I’m now enjoying living and working in San Francisco.

Being a graphic designer just kind of fell into my lap via a suggestion from a high school art teacher. As a kid all I wanted to do was draw cool stuff. Looking back now it makes so much sense — I was always at a crossroads of drawing and design, whether that meant sketching anything from graffiti tags to superhero logos or even just wearing clothing specifically for the logo (Carhartt has been a favorite since I was seven).

Being a designer just kind of fell into my lap via a suggestion from a high school art teacher.

I ended up going to a small school called Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. This little liberal arts college in the middle of nowhere actually had a great, intimate design program. Chaiwat, the professor, helped turn my interest in art into a strong, life long passion for design and conceptual ideas.

Fast forward a few years and here I am designing identities, making illustrations, and crafting campaigns for all sorts of brands around the globe.

  1. Fokus branding coffee coffee bean logo owl san francisco
  2. One Medical DC branding campaign illustration one medical washington dc
  3. Badge & Travel design system illustration menlo park poster series

Who is your audience and how would you describe your design style?

I honestly try not to have too much of a style, since different projects call for different ‘style’ or personality in the work. I try to just create something that:

1. Does its job: meets and exceeds expectations of the client and speaks to an audience. After all, design is a service and is meant to do more than just look good.

2. Looks and feels beautiful: Whether it’s packaging in hand or an ad experienced from a thousand feet away, whatever I do I want it to be artful and beautiful.

That being said I am highly influenced by the aesthetics of the 40s-60s. Things like subway posters, pamphlets, and different ephemera had such beautiful simplicity in shape and color designed into things that were supposed to be thrown away. Looking through that stuff (which I probably have too much of at home) is always inspiring, it’s as good now as it ever was.

Zinus Packaging packaging san francisco stout zinus

Zinus Packaging

by Ryan Bosse

I had a blast working on the visual brand direction and extensive packaging system for Zinus. What was months and months of hard teamwork culminated to a nice concise brand that we are proud of. Oh, and that beauty of a mark was expertly designed by @Jo...

View on Dribbble

What kind of work do you find best connects with your audience?

The work that I like to post and it seems others like as well is real shots of work. Work that actually gets produced and makes it out into the world is attractive and stands out in a sea of comps and vector art. It’s always more satisfying and impressive to not only make beautiful work, but to also get that work out in the wild. That being said I do indulge in the occasional mock-up myself… it’s just so easy.

Work that actually gets produced into the world is attractive and stands out in a sea of comps and vector art.

When thinking of how or what I put into my profile I really don’t have any strict rules. Much like presenting work to a client, when presenting work to the public I try to post shots that I’m proud of, that I believe in and that I’d like to do more of.

How do you engage with other creatives on Dribbble?

I use Dribbble mainly to keep up with what people are up to in the community and to keep an eye out for amazing designers to work with. It really helps to give a bigger picture of what companies and designers are doing day to day. It’s also just a great way to see what beautiful things your friends are making, as well as to stay in contact with designers you know and admire.

Thanks for having me and thanks for being a great place to share work and connect with the community!

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