
Wix Playoff: Take the Playground

Wix makes it easy for creatives of all types to design and build beautiful websites. And with over 110 million designers, photographers, small business owners, musicians, entrepreneurs and other users—it’s no surprise Wix has an awesome in-house design team. The Wix Studio and its designers lead and actively participate in creating and maintaining all Wix products and features. You can read more about what the the Wix design team is up to on their blog, High on Design.

We’re teaming up with the Wix Design Studio for an epic Playoff!

Enter the Playoff

Wix believes the web is your playground — it’s yours for the taking. In this Playoff, Wix wants you to design the word “playground.” Your rebound can be in any medium you’d like—GIF, 3D model, illustration, or any other format of your choosing.

Win an all-access pass + flight and hotel to a design conference of your choice

Here’s the really exciting news—the grand prize winner will get an all-access pass + flight and hotel to a design conference of your choice! Additionally, there are some other incredible prizes for runner-ups and honorable mentions.

Entering the Playoff is as easy as rebounding their shot with your own take on “playground.” The Wix Playoff ends on November 20th, so starting rebounding! Find more information and all terms and conditions on the shot.

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