Shot by #<User:0x00005a890ebe1828>

Art by Nick Matej

Shot Block: 36 Days of Type, A‑B‑C

Contrary to popular belief, it turns out that A, B, C, is not quite as easy as 1, 2, 3! Or at least, it takes some serious creativity and at least a basic knowledge of typography. We’ll be following along, 3 characters at a time, as Dribbblers participate in 36 Days of Type. Now that’s visual literacy!

  1. 36 Days of Type - A 36daysoftype a capital dropcap illustration letter lettering type typography vector
  2. #36daysoftype A 36 days of type lettering 36days 36daysoftype design handlettering type typography
  3. 36 Days of Type: A 36daysoftype 80s a heavy lines illustration illustrator pink teal thick lines type typography
  4. 36 days - B 36 days of type illustration type
  5. 36 days of type B b letter typo
  6. 36 days of type - B 36daysoftype bothanic illustration
  7. 36 Days of Type - C 36daysoftype alphabet c figure fingers hand illustration illustrator letter minimal typography vector
  8. 36 Days of Type: C 36daysoftype c illustration type typography
  9. 36 Days of Type "C" 36daysoftype c geometric impossible tipografia type typographic typography

Row 1: Nick Matej, Hollie Arnett, Kurtis McCune. Row 2: Pedro Piccinini, Felipe, Nina Rosso. Row 3: Yushin Kato, Andrea Macías, Gustavo Rondón Linares.

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