
We know that many of you are using Dribbble to get hired. We’ve even built a business around that. But we also want to encourage you to continue to share the drafts, experiments, and playfulness that is part of Dribbble’s character.

We’ve heard from many of you that occasionally the desire to craft an online presence to get hired has gotten in the way of your ability to post less-polished work. Toward having the best of both worlds, we’re introducing Low Profile shots which can be posted by Pro designers.

Low Profile shots are simply shots that—wait for it—don’t appear on your profile. They’re still visible—they won’t disappear in 3 seconds or 24 hours—but won’t be seen by visitors to your profile page or on lists of designers where you appear. So if you want to curate your image(s) a bit and put your best foot forward, you can do so.

Low Profile shots are still shared with the community—they are published to your followers and other shot streams and can be liked, commented or even Popular. And visitors interested in seeing all your work can get to your Low Profile shots via your profile (see on the right). But only the work you choose will be there by default. (Note that you can retroactively edit any existing shot to be Low Profile.)

We hope you enjoy having a bit more control over how you present yourself and we can’t wait to see what you share below the profile.

Want to try Low Profile Shots? Go Pro.

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