Back in the early days of Dribbble, we made a decision that the text accompanying an uploaded shot would not be rendered as a description of the work, but rather serve as its first comment to help discussion follow.
We’ve found ourselves regretting that decision lately. We want a stronger tie between the owner’s opening salvo and the shot itself, both on our website and in the API. We also want to allow the possibility of re-ordering comments (showing the latest first) while keeping introductory content sticky in doing so.
Today we did some data migrating such that those introductory posts are now formal shot descriptions, grouped with the shot instead of appearing in the comment thread. We hope this helps owners present their work a bit more forcefully while giving us, and API clients, more flexibility for displaying comments going forward.
API Impact: This change doesn’t break any existing API calls, but note that text submitted when posting a shot is no longer returned as the first of a shot’s comments. Instead, shots now have a description attribute that contains the introductory text. Use this if you wish to display shot descriptions in your application.
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