We just wanted to send a quick reminder about the first-ever Dribbble Meetup in Boston which is less than a week away. Start time is 7pm Monday, October 17 and our Show & Tell lineup of short talks includes:
- Dan Cederholm with an introduction
- Adam Darowski and Jeffrey Chupp on their Dribbble API web application, Liiikes
- Chris Arvin on bringing Expedia Hotels to the iPad & tablets
- Jeremy Weiskotten and Joe Lind on Sass
- Bruce Spang on using ImageMagick to browse images by color
- Mat Marquis on the responsive (re)design of the Boston Globe
- Rich Thornett on what’s coming soon to Dribbble
There will be pizza, letterpressed coasters, buttons, stickers, and we’ll be raffling t-shirts that feature a brand new design.
After the meetup, we’ll be heading over to The Good Life for drinks and conversation.
Please note: The 1 Financial building where Gemvara’s offices are located has tight security. You MUST be on the attendee list and have a photo ID to get in to the event.
If you can’t attend, please change your RSVP status so someone from the waiting list can.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday!
Dan & Rich
Find more Meetups stories on our blog Courtside. Have a suggestion? Contact stories@dribbble.com.