Glassy Date, Time & Weather Widget

Imagine having this super cool widget on your device – it's like your own personal digital assistant, but with serious style. This Glassy Date, Time & Weather Widget not only tells you the date and time but also gives you the lowdown on the weather. Picture a chic, transparent design that's not just pretty but also super modern. And here's the icing on the cake – it's got this backdrop-filter blur effect that's like the cherry on top, adding that touch of elegance. It's not just a widget; it's a statement for your device.

At-a-glance Information, Glassy Interface, Blurred Background & Stylish Widget Theme for all Your Devices

Glassy Date, Time & Weather Widget

Created and designed by DarkSoul.

Dark Soul, your number-one source for all things. I'm dedicated to giving you the very best of designs and blogs with an emphasis on technical, graphical, and logical. The passion for design drove me to create documentation so that I could offer you creative and elegant templates. I now serve clients everywhere in the world and pleased that I hold a position to show my ardor on my very own website.

View more designs at my CodePen profile - @DarkSoul-

Designed & Created by DarkSoul | Icons by Icons8

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