Eatmore - Food Delivery App Design

I started this design as practice that was mainly about following simple design steps from a Youtube video by DesignSense (Splash Screen and Home page)


These are a few of the screens you can find in your settings (Orders, Delivery Address, Adding a New Delivery Address, Selecting a Payment Method).


Here I present an example of authentication process where a user inserts the wrong password and then proceeds to recover it by choosing a verification method to set a new password.

Overall, in this project I learned to ensure a user-friendly and visually appealing design.

I did that by:

  • Identifying the target audience and their needs

  • Defining the app's features and functionality

  • Testing the app (Here I went the extra mile to make the design function as a real app by adding all the possible pages a user might look at and had some friends and family members use it and provide feedback)

It is essential to note that I have been already designing the app before adding the necessary functionalities to it as I mainly started it as a copy design exercice.

Color Palette

The color palette of a food delivery app design can greatly influence the user experience and the overall brand identity.

Red is often associated with hunger and excitement, and it is used to draw attention to calls-to-action like "order now" or "checkout."

Purple was used as the background color to create a clean and simple design.

More by Rim Ayed

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