#16 Hi5

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Country: United States

Industry: online social media

About: Hi5 is an American social networking service and gaming site based in San Francisco, CA. It is owned by Meet group. The website is targeted at people who are interested in flirting, dating, and making new friends.

Hi5 became one of the most popular social media network in 2007 when it experienced a huge growth spurt with much of that popularity coming from Central America. The site got its name from a feature that gave members the opportunity to give their friends virtual high-fives. Fives were used as a way to describe a friend relationship. There was a time when users could give out warrior fives, crush fives, teammate fives, swank fives, and many other types of fives.

Words: connection - fun - modern

Strategy: a modern logo that combines the letters "h"+"i" = "high" and a raised hand = "high five".

before-after Hi5
hi5 logo.jpg
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Camilla Menin
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