Notabli + Instagram

February 17, 2016

We'll be posting a lot more about the next version of Notabli over the coming weeks. Here's a peek at a friendly new portion of the interface.

Notabli Logo

January 29, 2016

Working on an update to the Notabli logo. We love our mark, but it's showing some signs of age. The original was optimized and pixel-fitted for viewing as an app icon on a non-retina iPhone, hence some of the harsh angles. The refreshed ...

Notabli Toolbar Icons

January 22, 2016

Just finalized some new toolbar icons for an upcoming update to Notabli.

Notabli 404

November 19, 2014

We're working hard at the next version of Notabli, as well as a massively improved web app. The new UI will include a lot more illustrations. I've been working with @Alli Berry on refining our style and coming up with fun metaphors. We'...

Drag & Drop

October 31, 2014

I just realized that I've been neglecting my Dribbble feed! We're getting close to launching a new version of Notabli, and I think that means it's time to start sharing some progress and some sneak peeks! First up are some small icon up...

Launched: Notabli 2!

March 07, 2014

I'm incredibly proud to announce that @Jackson Latka and I released Notabli 2 yesterday. If you're a parent, we'd love it you gave it a try. Our website: Direct app link:


October 30, 2013

One of a few little spot illustrations I'm working on for Notabli.

Notabli iOS 7 App Icon

September 26, 2013

Our big Notabli update for iOS 7 is trucking along nicely. Help us out by throwing in a vote for your favorite icon design. P.S. I know, I know, blue is everywhere in app icons, but it's our brand color, and we like it. So there. P.P.S...