Moltin Event/Webhook Management Concept

March 27, 2019

Moltin provides a series of webhooks to allow you to extend core functionality outside of Moltin to help you integrate with other services. Maybe you want to send SMS confirmations with Twilio or sync your catalog updates to Algolia. Th...

Product Details and Pricing Editor Concept

March 25, 2019

Managing your products is something we're always looking to streamline at Moltin. This is part of the concept for we're looking to improve our product editor to make it as easy as possible to jump in and update your products. When you ...

Moltin Orders Concept

March 22, 2019

Managing your orders is a core part of what Moltin is for. This is a concept for an updated order table and order single view. The single view includes a few ideas we're working on, including being able to view specific tax items within...

Product Creator Mobile Concept

March 21, 2019

Creating and editing a product shouldn't necessarily have the same interface. An editor should allow you to edit the information you want as quickly as possible. And creating a product should guide you through the process steps and help ...

Pricing Calculator Concept

March 20, 2019

Here at Moltin we use a revenue based model for pricing. Yet while it provides much more scalable and fair pricing, it has the downside that it's harder to simply give a customer a price, since it's entirely dependent on what their esti...

Moltin Billing Concept

March 19, 2019

Near the start of 2019 Moltin launched an updated pricing model based around revenue (read more here. It aims to provide a much simpler, scalable and fair price to all who wanted to use our platform. This meant redesigning the way our c...

Moltin Child Product Builder with Variations Concept

March 13, 2019

Variations are a big part of what makes Moltin so powerful. It allows customers to define their products and easily generate the multitude of ‘child-products’ available by specifying options and modifiers. For example without our variat...