Cricket analytics app screens

June 29, 2019

A few screens created for a cricket analytics application, which aims at providing information that would help a user to pick their team on the basis of their winning chances, especially in fantasy leagues.

Cricket analytics animation

June 22, 2019

Check out our latest animation for a cricket analytics website. The data shown on the dashboard allows a user to understand which team has a higher chance of qualifying for the playoffs. Such kind of information helps a user to pick thei...

Mobile Design- Sportstech

February 09, 2019

This sports-tech app is aimed at creating a community of sports enthusiasts. The colors used resonate with the fun and energy of the platform. Follow us for more shots. 🍭Lollypop Studio🍭 Thank you.

Mobile Screens- Sport-tech Platform

January 26, 2019

This sports-tech app is aimed at creating a community of sports enthusiasts. The colors used resonate with the fun and energy of the platform. Follow us for more shots. 🍭Lollypop Studio🍭 Thank you.

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