👋 Hello! I’m Gusttavo Castro, a young enthusiast of the best web and mobile development technologies. I aim to create memorable experiences for society through programming.

Currently, I’m in the final semester of my Technical System Development course, and I hold several certifications, including User Experience from Google, Design Thinking Coach from IBM, and I’m in the process of obtaining the Fundamentals of C# from Microsoft.

My technical skills span a wide range of programming languages, such as PHP, MySQL, Ionic, and C#, with a focus on Next.js, React, Tailwind, and Typescript. I am proficient in essential software tools like Figma, VSCode, Visual Studio, and Notion.

I have experience as a Product Designer and currently work as a Software Engineer and UX Designer on a project in partnership with CNPq and UNIFESP. Additionally, I serve as a Mentor/Speaker at Etec Doutora Ruth Cardoso.

New York City, NY

Member since Jan 2023

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Gusttavo Castro