Design Brief

Dating app landing page

Looking for a simple website landing page for a hookup app called Smash

iOS app:

Android app:

About the app

Smash is a hookup app for casual dating. Users log in to the app with their phone number and upload a selfie of themselves, which is shown to nearby users who can match with them. The "selfie expires" after a few hours, after which the user needs to upload a new selfie to be visible again. The user can chat to their matches but these chats also expire after a few hours. The idea is that this is dating that's easy: (there's no bio/profiles), immediate (matches don't last long before they're gone forever) and anonymous (there's no personally identifiable information)

Design brief

See the screenshots on the App Store for the general guidance for the design. Keep the design simple, and suggestive by using a dark night theme with animations.

Key elements to focus on are highlighting links to download the app from the App Store / Play store. Keep the text bold and suggestive.

Key themes: Keep the design suggestive - it's an adult app but I want the screenshots to invoke intrigue, curiosity, and fun, and the design must be visually appealing using illustrations and graphics to make it stand out amongst the dozens of other casual dating apps.

I can share screenshots of the app and the screenshot AI files if that helps with the design.