Ui Icons

January 10, 2018

Here are some of the UI Icons I made for our motus application. My very first priority in creating an icon set is to let the icons look consistent! Second is the style in general, every icon has to match the character we chose for motu...

MDE Menu Icons

December 28, 2017

Some simple icons for our MDE (scan device) menu - from the menu you can choose between different logistic processes inside a warehouse, which are executed by the scan device: Register goods, Storage, Rearrangement of goods and the info...

Table Icons

November 09, 2017

Here some more icons I made for motus. There you can see two different types - the normal icon and the add- icon. That shows one of the functions in motus, which means you can add a group, an article, an area and a box within the syste...

Module Icons

November 02, 2017

Here are some icons I made for the sidebar, where you can switch through the different modules in motus. These are some of the current modules we're creating: dashboard, users, tasks, transports, warehouse and devices. As we want to c...