We are a creative studio born in 2006, yes, it’s been a while…
We love stories and we love to visualize them for you, always focused on keeping a personal perspective on our clients’ needs.
We write, direct, design, animate, film, produce and spread love into the cosmos...

Our goals are:
-Match your commercial needs with our artistic view so we can both be happy.
-Doing animations, and do them in our way,
-Swim into carabian sea and Drinking mojito on a white beach.

Don’t forget that the story, your story, is the most important part of the project, and design and tecnique are adapted to the kind of story to tell.

Racoon family is always expanding: we love to collaborate with many different top notch proes, from the “young guns” to the “oldies but goodies”, always directed by the creative heart of the studio.
In this way we can do…practically everything we imagine
…and what we imagine is what you need.

Maybe you’re wondering why the racoon?! Contact us and find out!

Milano, Italy

Member since Nov 2021

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