I Studied my BFA in Media Art at Los Andes University in Bogotá, Colombia and then moved to New York City where I completed my Master of Digital Arts at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, USA. I’ve exhibited collectively and in solo shows in Perú, Colombia, Guatemala, México, USA, Holland, Japan and represented my country at the Beijing Biennale 2009. Besides my artwork, I’ve worked on design and curatorial projects for more than a decade in different countries around the globe. During 2010 and 2012 I expanded my professional experience into the academic field, teaching at Universidad de Los Andes and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano in Bogotá, Colombia. I’ve founded and Art-directing, Design and Art studios such as Makinola (2003-2006), Bastardo: Imperio de Culto Visual (2010-2013), BITACORA (2014-2020), AMIGAS, OBJETO ARTIFICIAL (both o-going projects) and now PUSSYFLORA, my latest project in development. All based in Bogotá, Colombia and Mexico City, Mexico.

Bogotá, Colombia

Member since Apr 2023

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