1. Real Estate Motion Design Concept. animation design figma motion design motion graphics real estate realestate ui visual design
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  2. Real Estate landing page responsive design. figma graphic design landing landingpage mobile responsive ui ux website
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  3. Light camera action website redesign with documentation. design figma landingpage redesign webdesign website
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    Light camera action website redesign with documentation.
  4. Wardrob - A mobile clothing app. app branding clothing design dress e commerce figma gimp graphic design illustration inkscape logo mobile ui uiux ux
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  5. PocketX an payment app for WEB and MOBILE. app branding cross crossplatform design e commerce figma gimp illustration inkscape logo payment platform ui wallet web website
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    PocketX an payment app for WEB and MOBILE.
  6. SHOOZERS app app branding design e commerce figma gimp inkscape linux logo mobile project ui uiux ux
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