Kickstarter for iPhone

I'm happy to finally share Kickstarter for iPhone. A long, intense, but extremely rewarding project that touched practically every part of the Kickstarter product.

Bringing the Kickstarter experience to mobile challenged a lot of the things we've become used to on the web, and made us really think about the core experience for both backers and creators.

On top of all that, I got to work with one of the best teams around. If this kind of stuff gets you excited, join us! We're currently looking for product designers to join our team.

Aaaaand, roll credits:

Dev: Brandon Williams
Design: Andrew Cornett
Product: Leland Rechis, Charles Adler
Copy: Meaghan O'Connell
With tons of support from: Jessica Harllee, Zack Sears, Aaron Robbs, Tomasz Werner, and the amazing team at Kickstarter.

More by Andrew Cornett

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