Phoenix Design: Jess High - Empowerment Coaching

I've been working on this for a while now. There was so much that went into this. Embodiment, thought, emotion, are just a few things.

When it came to creating this, when I first started, I was super off. I had something that looked like a flower. We started off with a moodboard, then moved over to creation.

Once I got to it to her, she saw that this was just a bit off. It wasn't what embodied her brand. After a while of going back and forth, we came up with a text based logo, but that wasn't either

After continuously going back and creating something better each time, we got down to this marvel. I will say, the experience in creating this piece has taught me a lot with emotions and design all together.

All around, she loves it. And I love it too :)

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