Storis CXM - Defining The Project

Storis is a product & web development provider in the furniture retail space. As Storis has grown they were increasingly challenged in the development, execution and maintenance of client facing projects. An internal review, highlighted the use of a wide range of approaches to the design and development of a solution, management of the tasks and responding to the client requirements coupled with an inconsistent application of processes and procedures. As a result client projects were delivered based on different design solutions and standards, which while not immediately an issue to the client, made the Storis support and development of enhancements very challenging. With little re-use of design standards, it was difficult to add new staff to a project without a great deal of training. Knowledge across clients was fragmented and localized. As a result the understanding of project status end-to-end across the firm was very difficult and the allocation of tasks, understanding and responding to client issues, and the management of resources across multiple projects was compromised.

Given some of the unique challenges of dealing with a variety of different clients across these projects, it was decided that an internal design and collaboration framework should be developed to be used for all Storis client projects. As such it would facilitate a consistent design language to all projects, and facilitate standardized reporting of status, the assignment of tasks and allocation of resources.

*Continued in attached PDF

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