U.S.S. Enterprise* command chevron

I whipped this up while playing with the trial of Bohemian Coding's Sketch 2.0. Spent about ten minutes on this with my son in my lap asking all sorts of questions. Reminded me of visiting my dad's art department when I was a preteen, fiddling with whatever Performa or Quadra was unused at the moment to play with Freehand**.

Sketch 2.0 is promising. They certainly want consumers to believe they are pixel-perfect and friendly to icon and web UI developers. Obviously, it can be used for bigger projects. The execution needs a little of bit of work. There are bugs throughout that I've stumbled upon. In the case of making this icon, Increasing the width of the "star" to 7 caused some strange bulge to appear on the "arc" below it, even though they were separate shapes on separate layers.

Still, I have hopes that this app will mature with time. I never used Sketch 1.0 or the same shop's DrawIt, but from what I've read, they've done a phenomenal job so far by blending the two apps and improving the UI. Here's hoping this, like Acorn, Pixelmator, and other worthy cheaper-than-Adobe apps, does very well.

*or, if you insist on kowtowing to retcon, 23rd-century Starfleet command chevron

**I'M OLD!

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Posted on May 2, 2012

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