The Maker

Like Gods, the Demonians were the first race to harness the power of the stars. For eons, star after star satiated their growing hunger for energy. But Demonians wanted more. What if life itself could generate something better, something more powerful than just light and heat?

So the council created the Ark.

As many times before, a new star was placed in a young spiral galaxy - it was the perfect nursery. Then the ark was brought. The first of its kind, it was the size of a moon and had in itself the seeds of life. A rogue planet was paired with it, and a new solar system was born.

At first, life sprouted rapidly, but something went terribly wrong, the first breath of life was too volatile, the new beings were too violent as if the gods of war themselves had been brought to life on the planet's surface. The first experiment had to be abandoned.

So the moon moved to a new planet just a few sectors away. In time, life sprouted again. This time it was different, "Earth" as the new beings called their home, had its problems but also a spark of something new. The Demonians were pleased. For now, Earth's companion, the machine of the gods, would continue in the sky, ever watching, waiting for the right moment.

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