Apple Finance - Concept - Shot no. 1

🙌 Here is a shot from my latest concept on Behance, Apple Finance!
View the Case Study on Behance

What if you could manage all your finances through a single app? Access and manage all your bank accounts, statements and payments. Have all your expenses and recurring subscriptions recorded, get intelligent advice on your finances and investments and pay friends, expenses and incoming bills without the hassle.

With the introduction of open banking, all banks will be now providing their data for use by other banks and third parties. This will open a wide array of opportunities for both banks and customers, allowing for completely new digital experiences that combine one’s financial information from multiple institutes. This concept was conceived and executed in an attempt to communicate the extent of this new technology, acting as a teaser for what is likely to come.

More shots to follow, including some interaction design & animations for the app.

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Posted on Jan 25, 2018

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