I'm back!


I'm finally back in the office this fine Monday morning to get back to work after a beautiful 16 day break in Thailand. It was the first time I've ever been to Asia and all i can say is, wow.

If anyone has been before, you will understand what I'm on about. (psssst.. if you want to see some shots from my trip, check out my Instagram!)

Whilst I was away, I was thinking about a lot of things to do with work and my career. It was a perfect refresher to start 2017, setting goals and new targets. So as of today, I shall be working on a little side project for a made up brand showcasing the stunning scenery of the places I visited in Thailand, under the 'We Love Thailand' brand using my own photography from the trip.

Look forward to developing more of this in the next few days!


Posted on Feb 13, 2017

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