Unfortunately, my keyboard doesn't work yet. I managed to put it in dishwasher. The trick now is in proper drying. Couple days above heater should be enough. I hope.

Okay, now i cannot use 100% of my computer features, so this is the best moment to tell you about some tricks learning Japanese. First of all, you shouldn't remember Japanese symbols by writing them down. Not anymore. In fact you more likely will type it with your device in real life. Writing Kanji makes absolutely no sense in learning Japanese nowadays, unless you practicing calligraphy or empowering your typography skills. If the goal is learning how to read and speak Japanese, the best way is to use SRS.

Spaced Repetition System. A program show you cards with symbols, you remember them and then you get back tomorrow to refresh your memory. As you getting better, the space between reviews is getting bigger. And so on.

You don't need to search for software. The best is out here — www.wanikani.com — Wanikani. Literally means alligator-crab or "crabbigator" as they call themselves. People on Reddit say that you will know about 2000 Kanji and 6000 words after one or two years with Wanikani. And this is more than enough to pass JLPT N3.

The best thing with them is that they are not native Japanese, so you're not going to learn Japanese school program.

It was pain to type this with screen keyboard.

Posted on Jan 17, 2017

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