Hitch 22

Five years ago today Christopher Hitchens passed away.

A lifelong advocate of the values of the Enlightenment, Hitch was a champion of reason, secularism, and pluralism.

As a skeptic, he had an uncanny ability to elucidate the absurdities of our own hypocrises. As an antitheist, he forced us to recognize and challenge our own assumptions. As a self-described free speech absolutist, he reminded us of the importance of free speech and free inquiry.

Hitch was perhaps the most influential person in my way of thinking. Shortly before his death, I was fortunate enough to see him debate in Los Angeles alongside Sam Harris, an experience I'll never forget.

As a silent spectator in a mad world, I often find myself wondering, "What would Hitch say about this?"

I miss Hitch. Rest in peace, our dear friend.

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