Daily UI 005 - App Icon (Animated)

Hey all,

Heres my take on an app icon. Icons are not really my strong suite, but i took some looking into how we use them now. We have live wallpapers and app notifications, i figure why not combine the two and allow the data running the app dictate how the icon should look. In this example the background shows if its night or day, and the color of the icon and border indicate the temperature reading (roughly how it feels rather than exact *c / *f) The icon itself shows the weather conditions. Just an idea, thoughts always welcome.

Icons for this are from NounProject: https://thenounproject.com/
Sketch: File attached
Framer: http://share.framerjs.com/9puqvmccjqlx/
ignore the side of the webpage, that was just so it was easier to know where to capture to get the right size for Dribbble =]

Let me know if you have any questions, and as always thanks for watching, I'd really appreciate it if you hit 'L' if you enjoyed it.

All the best,

300 KB
Posted on Feb 5, 2016
Nick Jonsson
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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