Women's Excellence Network Logo

The Women's Excellence Network is dedicated to empowering the women of Nymbus through professional development, mentorship, and a vibrant community. Our ultimate goal is to foster career advancement and amplify female empowerment and leadership within the organization.

The Logo

The logo, a visual representation of community, inclusion, and empowerment, is designed with a purpose. It elegantly combines two fonts—Space Grotesque, a sans-serif font, and Bluu Next, a serif font—to symbolize diversity and unity. The harmonious blend of these fonts underscores our commitment to inclusivity. Proxima Nova, a staple in Nymbus branding, complements the logo, ensuring a cohesive and polished look.

The Color Palette

We chose a vibrant and fun color palette to reflect the dynamic spirit of the Women's Excellence Network. Opting for unisex colors like green and blue, we emphasize that our network is open to individuals of all gender identities, fostering an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome to participate and thrive.

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