Branded Illustrations for Honey Labels

Honey label design and food packaging branding.

Some Honey is a high-quality, never filtered, always delicious natural honey brand. They proudly offer a variety of honey products that are good for you and even better for your taste buds.

The design brief led to a codified methodology for the art direction where the illustrations have a unified hand-crafted feel. The warmth and error of the human touch in the artwork make the labels personable and approachable to the customer. The monochromatic spot color for each product allowed for large runs of pressure sensitive adhesive labels. Creating a color system for the SKU's added additional brand awareness to the packaging.

Design work included the ideation phase, sketching process, vector redraw of illustrations, art direction and layout design as well as hand lettering for each SKU. Food packaging design included prepress, regulation check, Nutrition Facts panel on back and vector UPC code generation. 

Sunflower honey label with illustration and custom lettering.
Molasses label design and packaging.
Packaging design for the food Agave.
Maple syrup label design and illustration of maple leaf.
Clover honey label design and illustration.
Hot honey with spicy jalapeno peppers
Jen Borror | Hoot Design Studio
Visually telling a story with custom illustration.

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