LEVELSEVEN | 2D Animation Explainer

Project Overview

We are excited to showcase our latest project, a dynamic 2D animation explainer video with engaging infographics for the innovative marketing agency, LevelSeven. This explainer video highlights our studio's expertise in creating clear, concise, and visually appealing content designed to effectively convey complex ideas.

Our Contribution

For this project, our studio handled the entire production process, transforming LevelSeven's vision into an engaging and informative animation. Key elements of our work include:

  • 2D Animation: We developed vibrant and fluid 2D animations that visually represent the core services and strengths of LevelSeven. The animations are designed to captivate the audience, making the information easily digestible and engaging.

  • Infographics: Our team created detailed infographics to simplify and illustrate complex data and concepts. These visual aids enhance understanding and retention, making the video an effective tool for communicating key messages.

  • Sound Design: Complementing the visuals, we crafted a compelling sound design that includes background music, sound effects, and voice-over synchronization. This audio layer adds depth to the animation, ensuring a fully immersive experience.

  • Video Editing: Our editors meticulously combined the animated sequences and infographics, ensuring a smooth and cohesive narrative flow. The editing process focused on maintaining clarity and engagement throughout the video.

Creative Vision

The explainer video for LevelSeven is designed to clearly and effectively communicate the agency's unique value propositions and services. Through lively animations and clear infographics, we aimed to create a visual narrative that is both informative and entertaining, capturing the viewer's attention from start to finish.

Technical Excellence

Our production process utilized advanced animation software and techniques to produce high-quality results. The 2D animations were carefully designed to be visually appealing and aligned with LevelSeven's brand identity. The infographics were crafted to simplify complex information, making it accessible and engaging. Sound design and video editing were executed with precision to ensure a polished and professional final product.


We are proud to have partnered with LevelSeven to create this 2D animation explainer video, showcasing our ability to deliver clear and engaging visual content. This project underscores our commitment to excellence in animation and our dedication to helping clients effectively communicate their message. We invite you to watch the video and see how we bring ideas to life.

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