Logo Design - Vivien

Vivien. Take control of your money.

About Vivien

Sadly, one in four women experience domestic violence—and many survivors of domestic abuse often face challenges in leaving an abusive situation. However, the true impact of domestic violence extends far beyond physical and emotional harm. 

Abusers can assert control over a relationship when the injured partner is economically dependent. In fact, the lifetime economic cost associated with medical services, lost productivity at work, and criminal justice puts many survivors even further behind in claiming financial independence—perpetuating a cycle of abuse as survivors have little access to money or the tools to leave their abusers.

To combat this, Vivien provides financial solutions specifically focused on helping survivors break free from the cycle of abuse and achieve sustainable financial health.

Logo Design

The Banksia Protea, featured in our logo, symbolizes resilience, strength, and renewal—the very qualities embodied by survivors of domestic violence. Just as the flower blooms from adversity, so too do the survivors emerge from darkness into the light of financial freedom and empowerment. The Logo mark is paired with the font "Zilla Slab."

Nymbus Labs

Niche is the new local, designed to help niche audiences master their finances with tools and resources that create healthy financial habits while giving them more time to build toward a greater tomorrow.  https://nymbus.com/labs/

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