Opact - Branding design for the web3 privacy company

About the project

Opact is a network of projects within the Kadena ecosystem that is based on security through zero-knowledge proofs (zk).

This approach allows users of the Kadena network to execute financial and contractual operations confidentially (Tokens and NFTs), without compromising the transparency and immutability of records.

Name and Logo

We chose a name that refers to something existing. The name "Opact" derives from the programming language called Pact, which is developed specifically for the Kadena blockchain platform. Read more about Pact

Visual Identity

Dark mode should not serve merely as a filler; it is the theme that provides dynamism through contrasting color tones, while highlights can be a 3D illustration, 2D graphic, or text.

The main theme is Clean Design, applying the primary colors Blue and Purple with dark tones to create a sense of futurism and elegance.

Posted on May 12, 2024

More by Bruno Felipe

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