NASA Breadcrumb Design

Hello everyone!

I'm here with mission #UIX101 #056 😀

In this task, it was required to design a breadcrumb (road map). I decided to make a breadcrumb design that can be used on #NASA's website.

When we look at the website from a UI/UX perspective, it is very easy to move to other menus using the main menu, no matter where we are on the site. The information is neatly categorized. The information sought can be found intuitively by someone entering the site for the first time.

I thought that the breadcrumb designed based on these observations should also support this entire structure. In other words, it is as if the user is browsing in the main menu (but not as detailed as the main menu).

User should be able to find her/his way easily. Therefore, while designing, I aimed to make the elements of the breadcrumb as dropdown, allowing the user to navigate the lower or upper categories at one level.

By the way, since the main purpose of the task is breadcrumb design, there are a few minor changes in the page design compared to the original. I did not develop any ideas regarding the general design of the page.

I hope you like it and look forward to your feedback 🗺️

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