Appointment Booking Mobile App


Certainly! When designing a booking mobile app for doctor appointments, it's important to prioritize simplicity, clarity, and ease of use for patients. Here's how you could structure the process:

1. Appointment Selection:

  • Date and Time Selection: Provide a calendar interface where patients can easily select their preferred date and time for the appointment. Ensure that available slots are clearly visible and distinguishable from booked slots.

  • Doctor Selection: If there are multiple doctors available, allow patients to choose their preferred doctor from a list, along with their specialty or area of expertise.

2. Patient Information:

  • Basic Information: Collect essential details such as the patient's name, contact information, and any relevant medical history.

  • Insurance Information: If applicable, provide a section for patients to enter their insurance details for billing purposes.

  • Reason for Appointment: Allow patients to briefly describe the reason for their visit, which can help the doctor prepare for the appointment.


• Analyze, and evaluate the app's competition, and provide a better design solution.

• Brainstorm new design ideas for the app UX structure.

• Design an eye-catching screens.

• Understand the current tech limitations for app development.


UI/UX Designer


• Stakeholder interview

• Competition analysis

• Design Trends

• Brand name idea

• Logo design

• Wireframing

• Visual design

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