Trippli, Travel and Tourism App for Open-Trip Services



Trippli is a travel application that focuses on providing open-trip services by connecting users with open-trip service providers. Open-trip services combine vacation and travel in one package. In this application, users can interact, make transactions, and find friends to vacation together at various available destinations.

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Experience the Ultimate Holiday

Trippli provides complete holiday trips with all their benefits. In one package, you'll get the opportunity to vacation in your favorite destination, a schedule of activities during the vacation, companions who will accompany you throughout the journey, and even a team provided for documentation purposes. Later, this complete package will be provided by selected open-trip service providers chosen by our team.



Trippli offers not only travel services but also a complete package with all the holiday necessities suitable for those who want a vacation without the hassle of dealing with everything that needs to be considered during the trip. You'll be provided with a comprehensive package as offered. You're also given the feature to interact with open-trip service providers, so you can learn more about the vacation packages you're going to use. The idea for this app is based on the high interest in open-trip after research, as well as the absence of a specific platform that accommodates open-trip services.


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